Engineering guidance for coastal protection
The Coastal Hazard Wheel provides a universal framework for assessing, managing and communicating coastal hazards at local to global level. For design and construction of specific hazard management measures and adaptation interventions, the Coastal Hazard Wheel should be supplemented with relevant engineering analysis and modelling to ensure the interventions are properly designed for the relevant coastal challenges and do not have unexpected consequences for the coastal environment and its inhabitants. Below is provided a list of some important, state-of-the-art resources and tools for design and engineering of coastal protection interventions.
DHI Shoreline Management Guidelines
The DHI Shoreline Management Guidelines provides a comprehensive introduction to design and engineering of coastal management measures, coastal processes and coastal engineering models. The manual can be downloaded for free via the following page.
Shoreline Management Guidelines
World Bank Implementing nature-based flood protection
The World Bank guide provides an overview of the most important principles for sustainable and effective use of nature-based solutions for flood protection and further detailed guidance on implementation and monitoring procedures. It can be downloaded for free via the following page.
Implementing nature-based flood protection
Deltares MI-SAFE viewer
The MI-SAFE viewer is a new tool to assess the effects of nature-based solutions for coastal flood protection in vegetated coastal environments. The MI-SAFE tool can be used to evaluate the effects of different coastal vegetation conditions on the need for further flood protection and the effects of combined hard and soft protection measures. The viewer is available with open access and can be accessed through the following link.
Deltares Delft3D
The Delft3D is a complex modelling system for modeling of coastal processes, impacts of coastal events, design and engineering interventions and broader human use of rivers and coastlines. The modeling system and the different components are available as open source with various service packages and can be downloaded via this page.
The DHI MIKE systems is an equally complex modelling system as Delft3D and can be used for modeling of coastal processes, coastal events, design and engineering interventions and activities in the broader riverine and coastal system. The modeling system is provided as a group of models that can be downloaded via this page.