Coastal planning

Coastal planning

Coastal planning is the establishment of multi-sectoral plans for coastal areas taking into account the spatial extent of the coastal zone, its natural dynamics and the current and planned societal activities. The planning should include a prioritization of different activities taking place in the coastal zone, potential conflicting interests and needs, the interaction between natural dynamics and human activities, protection of natural habitats and the reduction of societal exposure to coastal hazards. The planning should generally include a consultative process involving key coastal stakeholders such as coastal inhabitants, public authorities, private corporations and experts to ensure a broad ownership and buy-in for the plans.

Climate change adaptation often constitute an important component of coastal planning and the plans should take into account the changing natural dynamics and its effects on human activities. This also includes medium to long term management priorities such and hard and soft protection measures and the balancing the planning flexibility over time and investing in early and robust protection measures.

The Coastal Hazard Wheel can support coastal planning from local to national level and functions as a framework for considering all the main aspects of the planning process. This includes consideration of the coastal type and natural dynamics, the full range of coastal hazards, climate change adaptation and hazard management measures and socio-economic activities taking place in the coastal zone.

The Quick start guide provides a brief introduction to the Coastal Hazard Wheel while the Coastal Hazard Wheel App provides an automated version of the system that can be used for classifying a specific coastal location, obtaining guidance on possible management measures and mapping the full spectrum of coastal hazards, hereunder ecosystem disruption, gradual inundation, salt water intrusion, erosion and flooding, from local to global level.

For further technical information or assistance on coastal planning activities, please feel free to get in touch with us.