The Coastal Hazard Wheel graphic is available for download to facilitate its use in relevant documents and projects. The Coastal Hazard Wheel graphic can be used freely in reports, books, posters, presentations, websites, etc. with proper citation. The short citation is "Rosendahl Appelquist,". When a full citation is relevant, it includes reference to the following two publications:
Rosendahl Appelquist L., Balstrøm T., Halsnæs K. (2016): Managing climate change hazards in coastal areas - The Coastal Hazard Wheel decision-support system, UNEP.
Rosendahl Appelquist L. (2013): Generic framework for meso-scale assessment of climate change hazards in coastal environments, Journal of Coastal Conservation 17, 1.
The Coastal Hazard Wheel graphic can be downloaded in different formats below. Translations are available on the other language pages.
Coastal Hazard Wheel 3.0 as PNG file
Coastal Hazard Wheel 3.0 as PDF file
A handout/poster version of the Coastal Hazard Wheel graphic can also be downloaded here: The World's Coasts in a Changing Climate - CHW 3.0